Wednesday, August 11, 2010

School room disaster

I am actually embarrassed to show this photo.......but it is just the beginning of a clean school room. Sometimes it just has to get worse before it gets better. :) I gave my desk and file cabinet to Keller so we are left with a small table. We have much more organizing to go. I have been going through the old stuff and throwing a bunch away and then boxing up stuff until Ashten is ready to use them. Organizing is going to be the key to success for the school year. We just recently started using a helpful binder that has the kids daily chores and then a special big chore to help mommy with daily. It is really helping us stay on track and keep the house picked up. I am hoping that we can easily transition into school time and still get our chores done. :) Next photo should be of a very clean and organized school/craft room. :)

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